Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Monday, July 12, 2004

Random Question

How much of pagan religeon is magic based for you? Do you believe in Magic, and how does it work? Are you comfortable with science and magic existing together? Do you secretly think that people who really-for-true-believe-that-they-can-do-magic are a little nuts? What about people who claim to have "seen stuff"?


Blogger BM, The Necessary Movement said...

I am a non-believer in all religions, big or small. Frankly they all scare me.
My wife is Believer in the Pagan thang. I believe in her so in a round about way I guess it’s all certainly possible.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Azathoth100 said...

I know nothing of the universe and am happy with my ignorance. Religion is a question best left to others. Magic is just things we don't understand, once they become catorgorized they become facts and therefore boring. I believe in my friends and loved ones, the rest of the world will have to fend for itself. God may exist, magic may exist, I may exist, you may exist. Then again this might all be some butterflys dream after all.

7:38 PM  

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