Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Chaoscenter's blog has got me thinking about people I've loved who are gone. Here's my list. I wish you could have known them.

Dolphin- Aspiring writer, lyricist, cartoonist. Funny, passionate, strong. Hit by drunk driver.
Jason- Died on a hike. Undiscovered heart defect. Never affected his smile.
Lucille- The grandmother I always wanted.
Danny- Died in his sleep. One year clean.
Molly- Short, tough, Irish Jew. Reserves hand-to-hand combat instructor. Sweetest person ever.
Uncle Ed- Looked like Al Paccino. Viet Nam/ agent orange finally got him last year.
Andrew- Brain tumor. Died New Year's Day. I never got to know him as well as I wanted.
Grama & Grampa- Cared enough to take my Dad in, and let us be family.

I am a better person because they were part of my life, and my world is a sadder place without them.



Blogger Azathoth100 said...

I know the feeling sweetie. It seems like some people we get for a limited time only, even if we want them forever. I try and use thier example to help me enjoy those who are still here.
I miss you and love you darlin, hope to hear/see you soon.
oh, by the way I posted a link to your blog on mine, hope thats ok. If not let me know.

5:41 PM  
Blogger wwww said...

Uhm... your writing inspires me to write about people I have lost.. BUTTT the problem is they are still alive and happy with their husbands or boy friends.

Can that be considered as "people I've loved who are gone"?

Lemme think!

9:24 PM  

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